Teleflora Honors Moms with their #OneToughMother Campaign
As you know, Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and that means it’s the time of year when I’m normally stressing out, trying to find just the right gifts. I have three people to celebrate on Mother’s Day: my mom, my aunt, and my grandmother. Each has significantly impacted my life, and if I’m honest, in a way it’s like I’ve always had three mothers. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for that, and how much richer my life has been thanks to them.
Of course, for them, it wasn’t easy. I’ve always depended on them in many ways, even as an adult; from needing their support during heartbreak to requiring constant care during serious health issues, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with some of life’s trials without them. Through it all, they kept smiles on their faces and inspired me in so many ways, no matter how difficult it was for them. In other words, they’re strong. They’re tough.
Teleflora recognizes that motherhood is a tough job, and to celebrate Mother’s Day this year, they’re launching the One Tough Mother campaign. They know that a mom’s job is hard, and in addition to unveiling a gorgeous collection of special Mother’s Day bouquets, they’re encouraging everyone to share their stories of motherhood on social media using #OneToughMother. Whether you have stories of your own experiences as a mom, or want to share memories of your own mother or mother figure, Teleflora wants to hear it! They also want to help you honor your mom with beautiful flower arrangements, like the Love and Joy Bouquet.
As an early Mother’s Day present for my own mom, Teleflora was so kind as to send me Love and Joy. It’s absolutely beautiful, and she loves it. This bouquet is so colorful and bright, it’s guaranteed to make any home instantly look more cheerful.
It features hot pink roses, miniature pink carnations, huckleberry, lavender stems, and lavender chrysanthemums. My favorite part, though, is the pink flower and hummingbird vase. My mom loves hummingbirds, so it was perfect for her. I know she’ll love using this vase in the future.
Other new Teleflora Mother’s Day bouquets include:
Luxurious Lavender Bouquet (top left), featuring pink roses, pink oriental lilies, purple carnations, white sinuate statice, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf in a lavender glass vase.
Garden Pitcher Bouquet (top right), featuring lavender roses, white Asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuate statice, seeded eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum in a floral garden pitcher.
Butterfly Sunrise Bouquet (bottom left), featuring peach roses, peach spray roses, yellow alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuate statice, and variegated pittosporum in a butterfly mug.
Painted Blossoms Bouquet (bottom right), featuring orange spray roses, yellow alstroemeria, pink carnations, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf in a painted blossom cube vase.
No matter who you want to celebrate this Mother’s Day, Teleflora has a bouquet to suit them. Unlike some other online floral delivery services, Teleflora will coordinate with a florist local to you, and the bouquet will be delivered already assembled and looking lovely. To take a look at the new Mother’s Day collection and more, visit, and don’t forget to share your stories of motherhood on Instagram and Twitter using #OneToughMother.
Before you go, watch Teleflora’s short #OneToughMother video. I dare you not to cry.
Love them they have the best arrangements. I’m going to put my order in asap.
Raijean S recently posted..Travel Guide: Exploring Springfield, The Land of Lincoln
I love their arrangements.
Those arrangements are gorgeous! I love Teleflora, they have the best sourced local products and their flowers are fresh and beautiful!
Those flowers are beautiful! I would love to have one for my table!
The flowers they sent to you are so beautiful! I love to get flowers, hopefully someone will order me a Mother’s Day bouquet! 🙂
Nicole B recently posted..8 Bedtime Tips Help Kids Go To Bed Easier + Free Bedtime Story e-Book
Being a mother is a tough job. I think this campaign is wonderful. The flowers are so pretty!
Erika recently posted..30+ Mom-Approved Natural Home Remedies
Those arrangements are beautiful I love the gifts of flowers brings so much beauty to any room.