A Quick Note on Where I’ve Been…
You might have noticed that I’ve been MIA for the past few weeks. What could be so important that my blog has gone neglected? Have I been traveling the world? Learning the fine art of watercolor painting? Indulging in an endless buffet of pizza and cheesecake? I’d delight in being distracted by any of those things, but my absence, unfortunately, was caused by something less pleasant: I was in an accident and got myself a little smashed up. Some bumps, scrapes, and bruises were sustained, but the worst of it was the shattering of some parts of my right leg. I had surgery and was stuck in the hospital for a bit, but I’m home now with my very fancy bandages and a brace that weighs about the same as a car.
The brace is just the beginning; I also have my very own crutches, wheelchair, and walker. Yep, I’m really set up over here.
They don’t look like much now, but once I start getting out again, I plan to pick up some things to make them pretty. That’s right, I’m decorating these babies, so the next time you see them, they’ll probably be a lot more pink. I’ll be depending on my new equipment for a few months, so I figure I might as well give them a more cheery appearance.
Before I start decorating, I’m going to try to get caught up on the blogging. I have some reviews and giveaways that have been waiting to be posted, as well as a few super yummy recipes to share. I don’t have access to my regular computer and I’m still pretty tired from all of the meds, so I’m not sure how quickly I’ll get it all up, but I’ll do my best to get back into gear. Wish me luck.
I do wish I could get to my computer though; I’m seriously missing my Photoshop!
Oh wow! I hope you get better really soon! You must probably have gotten lots of pain medication, huh?
I remember how groggy pain medication made me .. ugggh! Wishing you a speedy recovery! 🙂
Lilly recently posted..Cotton Booty Box Review “Goodnight Sleep Tight”
Yikes! I hope you heal quickly.That is some pretty scary stuff.
Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Take the time to take care of yourself. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Emma @ P is for Preschooler recently posted..Fairy Wands and WOW Linky
You poor thing 🙁 Feel better soon!
So sorry to hear about your accident. So GLAD that for the most part you are okay and on your way to a full, if not speedy, recovery! Can’t wait to see your blinged out new accessories!
Oh no! So sorry to hear about the accident. While your leg is banged up, I bet you’re thankful it wasn’t worse. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery! Welcome back and take your time, giving most of your energy to healing! =)
Take care of yourself! Thank God it wasn’t worse! I agree, I can’t wait to see how you bling out your “rides’!
Melissa Mendez recently posted..5 Tips for Bath Time (And a Review)
Ouch! Sorry to hear about that. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Looking forward to seeing your pretty equipment.
Brooke B. recently posted..Chasing Morgan by Jennifer Ryan – Guest Post + Psychic Reading Giveaway
praying that you have a fast recovery, it looks like it hurts a lot
Sending well wishes your way!
oh no! I hope you feel better, the good thing is that you can get caught up on blogging!
goodness that sounds serious. dont rush back and take care of yourself.
NYCSingleMom recently posted..LUG Moped Bag is the Perfect Travel Bag – Fashion Friday @LugLife
Hope you start feeling better soon. It looks like your are in good care with you guardian teddy bear to watch over you.
Grace Hodgin recently posted..Believe In Your Self
Hope you’d get better soon Melanie. I find it cute that you still thought of decorating your equipment. I guess you could blog a lot with this. I’ll pray for your fast recovery. Hugs!
Kareen Liez recently posted..The Breast Pumps and Feeding Bottles are Out!
I hope you get better soon!! And I would have done the same, adding some pink and sparkles to the new accessories!!
Hang in there 🙂
Sofia recently posted..Cat’urdays with O’Malley
Sorry for your troubles!
hope your recovery is quick!
Mitch recently posted..Giveaways Ending Tomorrow Evening! And New Ones Posted!
Oh, bless your heart! I’m so sorry to hear about your accident and hope you have a smooth and speedy recovery!
Jeannette recently posted..Satisfying My Tween’s After School Appetite with Jose Ole! #JoseOleMoms
So sorry to hear of the accident, and glad it wasn’t even worse than it was! Sending you thoughts of comfortable & painless recovery!
Sorry to hear about your accident. Definitely not the ideal way to have some time off….lol
Wishing you a speedy recovery….All the best!
Vonnie recently posted..EatSmart Scale Giveaway
Thanks so much to all of you for all of your kind words. It really brightened my day to log in and see all of your comments!
Don’t worry about us, worry about you and your family. We are so glad it wasn’t any worse and wish you a speedy recovery. Can’t wait to see your rides all decked out.