Your Child Can Be a Pirate in an I See Me! Personalized Book!
This post is brought to you by I See Me!, creators of award-winning, personalized children’s books and gifts.
What’s better than a good book? A good book about pirates! What’s better than a good book about pirates? A good book about pirates that is personalized with your own name! Deep down, you know you want to be a pirate. I bet you have a child who feels the same way. Well, here’s your chance!
My Very Own Pirate Tale is a personalized children’s book by I See Me!. In this adventure story, a pirate captain is in search of the world’s very best first mate, for he is the only one who can open the treasure chest. Sea creatures lead the captain to your child by spelling out his or her name letter by letter. In our case, we had a cool cowfish who gave us the letter C and a unique umbrella squid who shared a U. My son was so fascinated with the rhyming storyline and the sea animal illustrations, he didn’t even realize at first that they were spelling his name.
Once he got to the end, he was thrilled to discover that they were not only talking about him, but that he was being made the captain of his own pirate ship!
Pirates and treasure would have been enough to hold my boy’s attention, but the sea creatures (each with it’s own distinct personality) are what make this book one of my son’s favorites. He’s really enjoyed learning all of the names of the different animals, and I’ve learned a thing or two myself. Who knew there was such a thing as a unicorn fish? There’s more too. After the story, you’ll find a suggestion for a game that you can play with the book and a Sea Animal Encyclopedia so you can learn even more about them.
With the My Very Own Pirate Tale Storybook
, your child is put in the middle of all the action, and he/she will feel extra special because of it. the personalization also makes it a great keepsake.
Pirates, of course, are not your only option here. Fairy tales, outer space, birthdays, holidays….your child can star in a variety of exciting, themed books. The fun doesn’t end with story books either. I See Me! also offers personalized gifts that your kids will just love, like coloring books, lunch boxes, and placemats. As for me, I’m looking forward to their new personalized puzzles!
Visit I See Me! to purchase Personalized Children’s Books and Gifts. Act fast and you can save 15% on the My Very Own Name coloring book, puzzle, storybook, or placemat with coupon code “PERFECT” at checkout! Hurry, offer ends 11/1!
Connect with I See Me! on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. You can also sign up for discount promos and company alerts here:
I See Me! provided a complimentary copy of My Very Own Pirate Tale for review. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
That’s adorable! We love pirates here!
Ellen Christian recently posted..7 Ways to Appreciate Nature
How fun! This would be a great holiday gift.
Amiyrah recently posted..Pumpkin Spice Ritz Bars
These really are nice books. I gave my grandson one last year and he still loves to look at it.
Grace Hodgin recently posted..#Crayon Life Lessons and Costumes To Match @Crayola
I love I See Me company,I had a book personalized just this summer for one of the kids .
LisaLisa recently posted..FunBites, dice your kids food safely into fun shapes!
When my son was a baby I did something similar. I forgot about it. He found it the other day and flipped out about seeing his name in it. So great for them once they can read.
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